About the journal

Petrozavodsk State University is the flagshop university of the Republic of Karelia which pays great attention to the study of humanitarian relations and phenomena of the northern regions of Russia, Scandinavian countries and the Arctic. The journal works towards its mission through the development of transbordery in science by publishing and translating articles not only by Russian scholars, but also by foreign ones.  In this way, the journal calls for cooperation among all those who are interested in understanding contemporary socio-cultural trends and challenges.

Today, at the beginning of the third millennium humanity has entered a qualitatively new stage characterized by the emergence of global, systemic problems. It is impossible to identify and solve such problems by simply summarizing the methods and approaches developed in natural science, because scientific knowledge can be used both for the benefit and to the detriment of human beings as it all depends in the name of what values scientists work for. Hence, in today's world, humanitarian knowledge should have a special place. Thanks to him, a person gets the opportunity to realize his place in the world, to comprehend the axiological foundations of his activities. In this connection, venturing into a broad socio-cultural space, in where the ideal of a human, one who not only "knows", but also "understands", one who is capable of comparing different value and worldview positions, is a strategic task of the journal.

The solution of this task involves understanding that a human being is not the sum of different aspects of his or her being, but a system, i.e. their organic interrelation and interaction and in order to reveal these connections and relationships, the practice of interdisciplinary research is needed. In this regard, the journal is open to cooperation with the representatives of a wide-range of humanities, as well as specialists whose methodology is oriented towards the conjugation of humanitarian and natural-scientific approaches. Giving the pages of the journal to representatives of different theoretical fields, we proceed from the conviction that the purpose of comparing ideological positions and opinions on issues regarding man, culture and society is not confrontation, but mutual understanding, willingness for dialogue and consensus.


The content

The content of the journal encompasses a wide range of issues, including studies in the sphere of philosophical anthropology and philosophy and history of culture, literary and art studies, history, sociology and social work. Since the journal aims to develop modern humanities as cross-disciplinary research, we particularly welcome papers developing complex human studies at the intersection of sciences.


General information

Founder and publisher — Petrozavodsk State University, PetrSU (Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation).

The editorial activity of the journal is carried out on the basis of its charter.

The journal has an International Standard Serial Number – ISSN 2311-3049 (Online).

The online journal is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Media and possesses the Registration Certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77-85333 dated May, 2023.

Periodicity. The journal is published in the Russian and English languages once every three months, i.e. 4 times a year.

Review and publication. All articles submitted to the editorial office are subject to a plagiarism test, expert-based selection and peer review. The publication of articles is free for the authors.



The journal is registered in the Russian Index of Science Citation and in the Finnish national bibliographic database Julkaisufoorumi Jufo_ID 81720


Authors are invited to cooperate!

Editorial Office address: 185910, Russia, Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk, Petrozavodsk State University, office 235 (the main building)

Phone: 8 (8142) 76-97-11

E-mail: philos@petrsu.ru