Tolstikov A. Deceased monarch’s honour as the subject of diplomatic dispute: an episode of the 17th century russo-swedish relations // Studia Humanitatis Borealis. 2013. Vol. 1. № 1. P. 4‒18.

Issue № 1


Deceased monarch’s honour as the subject of diplomatic dispute: an episode of the 17th century russo-swedish relations

PhD in History,
Associate Professor,
Petrozavodsk State University, Faculty of History, Department for Nordic History,
Ключевые слова:
17th century
disputes over sovereigns’ titles
Аннотация: The article deals with one aspect of the problem of sovereigns’ titles in diplomatic relations between Russia and Sweden in the 1640s―1650s ― a dispute over appropriateness of using the formula “of blessed memory” (blazhennye pamyati in Russian, Sahlig uthi åminnelse in Swedish) in official documents exclusively with the names of deceased Russian Orthodox tsars (in this case ― of late Michael Fedorovich). The Russian diplomats insisted on it and could only accept using with the names of deceased Swedish kings (Gustav II Adolf) the calques “of highly praised memory” (vysokoslavnye pamyati, Högloflig uthi åminnelse) or “of the glory-worthiest memory” (slavy dostoineishii pamyati, Glorwärdigst uthi åminnelse). The process of negotiations is traced and argumentation strategies of both parties are analyzed. It is shown that while the Russians tried in all ways to secure symbolic superiority, and thereby the exclusive right to posthumous eternal bliss of their own monarchs, the Swedes’ strategy consisted in defending formal parity in relations with the Eastern neighbor.

© Petrozavodsk State University

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