Babalyk M. Identification problem “question and answer” type “Сonversation three saints” of northern russian manuscripts // Studia Humanitatis Borealis. 2013. Vol. 1. № 1. P. 87‒94.

Issue № 1


Identification problem “question and answer” type “Сonversation three saints” of northern russian manuscripts

Senior lecturer,
Petrozavodsk State University Faculty of Philology Chair of Russian literature and journalism,
Ключевые слова:
handwritten book-learning
apocryphal "Conversation of Three Saints" works of Question-Answer genre.
Аннотация: In Russian manuscripts of XV-XX centuries there are many texts in the form of Questions and Answers. These texts have a different volume: from 1 question and answer to large text compilations. A part of it comes from the South Slavic Questions and Answers, the other part is original Russian works. Texts related to popular apocrypha "Conversation Three Saints" are especially distinguished from various Question-Answer types. In South Slavic tradition A.Miltenova distinguishes 12 Question-Answer texts, such as "Conversations of Three Saints." Russian Question-Answer texts are not sufficiently investigated. Often in Russian manuscripts Questions and Answers are next to "Conversation of Three Saints." When the Question-Answer texts were rewritten, they were mixed with each other, exchanging questions and answers. Sometimes the researcher can not determine which text is in the manuscript. For identification the text it is necessary to do great work. Text’s title is important on the first stage of the research. Then, text without titles are selected. Sometimes the Question-Answer texts are connected with each other; sometimes the questions and answers are moving from one text to another. The most difficult case is a compilation that contains questions and answers of unknown origin. The study of such compilations, their sources and purposes, is an interesting textual and literary task. The main problem is that the Russian manuscript book-learning has a lot of Question-Answer texts of apocryphal character about biblical history, cosmogony, eschatology, etc., which we count as "Conversation of Three Saints". In this article as an example "Conversation of Three Saints" is compared with some Question-Answer compilations.

© Petrozavodsk State University

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