Lyzlova Anastasia | PhD in Philology, Russian Academy of Science Karelian Research Centre Institute of Language, Literature and History, Petrozavodsk, |
Ключевые слова: tale-teller F. P. Gospodarev Petrozavodsk Archives of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences Onega Plant | Аннотация: The paper offers new information about the long stay in Petrozavodsk of a famous tale-teller F. P. Gospodarev (1865―1938). He was born and grew up in Belarus, but was then exiled for life-time to the former Olonets Province, and spent more than 30 years there. Gospodarev worked at the Alexander’s (Onega) Plant for 10 years. In 1937―1938 N. V. Novikov recorded his repertoire (over 100 tales) as part when collecting the folklore of workers. Gospodarev was already retired at that time. The materials now constitute collection № 62 in the Scientific Archive of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Several tales by Gospodarev were published in the collection "Songs and Tales of the Onega Plant" (Petrozavodsk, 1937). In 1941 N. V. Novikov published the collection "Tales of Philip Pavlovich Gospodarev", which presents nearly all of his repertoire. Archives of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences include a unique collection № 154, with recollections of Gospodarev’s contemporaries about his life in Petrozavodsk. These archival materials are first introduced in scientific circulation. This information generates a more comprehensive impression of the tale-teller as a man who had had an unusual life and left a trace in the memory of many people. © Petrozavodsk State University |
Is passed for the press: 20 december 2013 year |