Danilova I. The dialogue of cultures on theatre stage (russian classics in Stockholm and Gothenburg theaters) // Studia Humanitatis Borealis. 2013. Vol. 1. № 1. P. 110‒120.

Issue № 1


The dialogue of cultures on theatre stage (russian classics in Stockholm and Gothenburg theaters)

Doctor of Philology,
the Institute of Languages and Literatures University of Göteborg (Sweden),
Göteborg (Sweden), irina.danilova@gu.se, irinakd@hotmail.com
Ключевые слова:
cultural dialog
aesthetical value
social role
human values
spiritual renewal
Аннотация: In the following paper we consider the dialogue between Swedish and Russian theatri-cal cultures. Similarities in aesthetic principles and societal functions of these cultures are a basis for a fruitful dialogue. Author proves that both theatrical systems formed in parallel and during the 20th century became similar in both aesthetical values and the role of theater in society. The dialogue with Russian culture is presented through staging of Chekhov's «The Seagull», «Uncle Vanya» and «Three Sisters», Dostojevski's «Crime and Punishment» and Tolstoy's «Anna Karenina» in the theatres of Stockholm and Gothenburg. These performances demonstrate non-traditional interpretations of these plays, expressing issues of the present. The pathos of preservation of human values, Love, Compassion and Beauty plays a major role. That can be seen from the selection of Russian literature containing in-depth anal-ysis of reality, revealing the contradictions of human nature, yet confirming the possibility of both social and spiritual renewal.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Is passed for the press: 20 december 2013 year

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