Vorontsova E. The tourism industry in the economic crisis: trends and prospects // Studia Humanitatis Borealis. 2015. Vol. 4. № 1. P. 59‒67.

Issue № 1


The tourism industry in the economic crisis: trends and prospects

PhD in Economics,
Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Finance,
Petrozavodsk State University,
Petrozavodsk, levoron@mail.ru
Ключевые слова:
Domestic outbound and inbound tourism
economic crisis
Russian Federation
Republic of Karelia
Аннотация: Tourism is one of the most promising and dynamically developing sectors of economy throughout the world, acting as a catalyst for socio-economic growth. The Russian Federation has unique opportunities for the development of different types of tourism on its territory thanks to the variety of natural resources, the presence of objects of cultural and historical heritage. For some regions of Russia, in particular for the Republic of Karelia, tourism could become the leading sector of the economy, stimulating the development of the entire region. The main goal of this paper is to show how the current economic crisis has influenced the situation in the tourism industry and what its prospects are. The pre-crisis state of the Russian market of tourist services is described, strengths and weaknesses are identified, as well as threats and opportunities, the leading role of Russia in spending on international tourism is noted. The impact of the economic crisis on certain types of tourism is assessed: outbound, inbound and domestic. The main influencing factors are the depreciation of the national currency, reduction of incomes and changing international relations. The conclusion about the negative impact of the factors on the outbound tourism, an ambiguous impact on the inbound tourism and overall positive effect on the domestic tourism in the Russian Federation is made. The need for prompt and effective measures aimed at the development of domestic and inbound tourism in Russia is noted. The regional dimension of the issue is considered by the example of the Republic of Karelia. The main features of tourism in the Republic are identified, and its prospects in the context of the economic crisis are analyzed. The importance of the Federal target program "The development of the Republic of Karelia for the period till 2020" in solving systemic problems of the tourism sector is noted.

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