Tsumarova E. Review of the book Tarasenko A. V. Nonprofit sector in the eu countries and russia in the context of the transformation of the welfare state [nekommercheskiy sektor v stranakh es i Rossii v kontekste transformatsii gosudarstva blagosostoyaniya] (St. Petersburg: Norma, 2015) // Studia Humanitatis Borealis. 2015. Vol. 5. № 2. P. 65‒67.

Issue № 2


Review of the book Tarasenko A. V. Nonprofit sector in the eu countries and russia in the context of the transformation of the welfare state [nekommercheskiy sektor v stranakh es i Rossii v kontekste transformatsii gosudarstva blagosostoyaniya] (St. Petersburg: Norma, 2015)

Department of World History,
Political Science and International Relations, Institute of History, Political and Social Sciences, Petrozavodsk State University,
Petrozavodsk, Russia, tsumarova@gmail.com
Is passed for the press: 11 january 2016 year

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