Romanovskaya I. Role of cover in the presentation and reception of Platonov`s works in Sweden // Studia Humanitatis Borealis. 2016. Vol. 1. № 1. P. 46‒55.

Issue № 1


Role of cover in the presentation and reception of Platonov`s works in Sweden

Senior lecturer of the Department of Scandinavian Philology,
Faculty of Philology, Petrozavodsks State University,
Petrozavodsk, Russia,
Ключевые слова:
A. Platonov
decorating of the book
«Mästarens tillkomst»
«Don Quijote i revolutionen»
«Lyckliga Moskva»
Аннотация: The role of decoration in the presentation and reception of Andrey Platonov`s works published abroad for the first time became object of the scientific analysis. Editions of A. Platonov`s works published in Sweden have served as material for this article. In terms of receptive poetics, visualization is the most important way of introduction of the reader to the contents of the book, immersion in the art world. Graphic solutions of the book, first of all covers of editions, form sense. The design of the cover is inseparably associated with the book contents. A cover of the «translated» book is a result of the perception of a subject, perspective, plot, heroes of concrete work and works of the writer in general by the book cover designer, presenting the other culture through his art world. This article seeks to examine the decorations of the translations of works by Platonov into Swedish: «Mästarens tillkomst» (1929), «Don Quijote i revolutionen» (1973), «Grundgropen» (2007), «Lyckliga Moskva» (2008), «Dzjan» (2009), «Tjevengur» (2016). The reception of the creativity of this Russian Soviet writer is carried out through the books’ artistic and graphic design. Book designers rarely refer the reader to a specific episode of works, they more often convey the overall mood and atmosphere, the ideological orientation of the book, readers are introduced to the main image. Platonov's book cover design in Sweden aims to convey not only the spirit of the book, but the spirit of the time, the culture in which the book was created. In making Platonov's books covers the Swedish editor and book cover designer U. Vallin addresses the Soviet fine arts works of the 1930th on construction of socialism in dialogue with A. N. Volkov, A. N. Samokhvalov, A. A. Deyneki's paintings presenting to the reader the Soviet era from the different points of view.

© Petrozavodsk State University

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