Tsumarova E. Monotowns as an Object of State Regulation: Review of International and Russian Practices // Studia Humanitatis Borealis. 2017. Vol. 1. № 1. P. 31‒42.

Issue № 1


Monotowns as an Object of State Regulation: Review of International and Russian Practices

PhD in Political Science,
Associate Professor,
Department of World History, Political Science and International Relations, Institute of History, Political and Social Sciences, Petrozavodsk State University,
Petrozavodsk, Russia, tsumarova@gmail.com
Ключевые слова:
single-industry towns
public policy
Аннотация: The article is devoted to the analysis of practices of state regulation of single-industry towns in the global and Russian contexts. The main approaches to the concept of single-industry towns are given, and the key problems of monoprofile formations are described. Based on the analysis of state policy, the main factors that contribute to the modernization of single-industry cities are formulated. An assessment is given to the Russian approach to support monotowns.

© Petrozavodsk State University

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