Lebedev Sergey | Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Chief Researcher, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow, Russian Federation, saleb@rambler.ru |
Ключевые слова: : levels of scientific knowledge scientific truth criteria of truth of scientific knowledge scientific consensus | Аннотация: The article presents a new, pluralistic concept of the truth of scientific knowledge. It is based on two epistemological principles: 1) recognition of the social nature of scientific knowledge, 2) fixation of the level nature of the structure of scientific knowledge (in the structure of any science there are four qualitatively different levels of knowledge: sensory, empirical, theoretical and metatheoretical). Due to ontological, epistemological and methodological different levels of scientific knowledge on each of them there are special criteria of its truth. All of them have only two common features: a) each of them is a multicomponent, b) each criterion of truth has in its structure a consensual component. © Petrozavodsk State University |
Is received: 01 december 2019 year Is passed for the press: 03 december 2019 year |