POCHEBUT S. MODERN APPROACHES TO THE CRITIQUE OF POSITIVISM // Studia Humanitatis Borealis. 2019. Vol. 1. № 1. P. 15‒23.

DOI: 10.15393/j12.art.2019.3362

Issue № 1



Senior Lecturer,
Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI» (ETU), Department of Philosophy,
Saint-Petersburg, Russia, sniper2711@yandex.ru
Ключевые слова:
social action
Аннотация: Modern epistemology of science has carried out a strong criticism of the domi-nant views of the positivist and neo-positivist model of knowledge and actual-ly undermined its authority. At the turn of several centuries, the positivist posi-tion has been experiencing significant theoretical and methodological difficul-ties in explaining the nature of social life and the prospects for socio-historical development. Because of this, the study of modern approaches to criticism of such areas as positivism, with a special indication of the importance of social and humanitarian knowledge for understanding the processes taking place in modern society, is of particular importance. The present research is based on the accepted in social philosophy analysis methods of primary sources and re-search literature. Over a long period of time, the predominance of the mecha-nistic, materialistic and deterministic view of the world, the introduction of cal-culation, measurement and accuracy as the basic methodological principles of science, armed with the postulation of quantitatively defined entities, formed no less characteristic social ethics. Abstract schemes, formalist methods, uni-versal ideas and concepts subordinated all to the identical logic of the Autono-mous subjective mind and its basic predicate – the intellectualist will to power. The twenty-first century, together with its strong criticism of positivism in many of its manifestations, clearly proves to us, through a profound analysis of positivist approaches, that the reality around us is much closer to chaos than to space. Thus, the result of the study is the designation of the special im-portance of social and humanitarian knowledge in the XXI century for the study of the processes taking place in society, while recognizing the inability of the exact Sciences to describe social actions. Being opposite in the method of approaches to the study of society, they coincide in the goal, which is to achieve a state of non-duality – the lack of separation into the subject and the object of the exhaustion of self. The author considers such experience to be the limit for human existence simultaneously with the statement of its chaotic and non-deterministic nature in development.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Is received: 01 december 2019 year
Is passed for the press: 03 december 2019 year

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