DEMIDOVA OLGA | Doctor of Philosophy, professor, Pushkin Leningrad State University, Department of Philosophy, St. Petersburg, Pushkin, Russian Federation, |
REZEN’KOV VLADISLAV | 2nd year undergraduate, Pushkin Leningrad State University, Department of Philosophy, St. Petersburg, Pushkin, Russian Federation, |
Ключевые слова: mass culture pop-culture mass elite culture classic(al) culture traditional culture consumer socie-ty consumer culture commercialization of culture cinema cultural industry fashion | Аннотация: The article discusses pop culture as a modern phenomenon, the authors analyz-ing the notion of pop culture, its connection with «the mass», the axiological sys-tem of the young technological age generation as well as with the technical pro-gress as the basis of the epoch under discussion. Besides, comparing mass culture works (artefacts) with and juxtaposing them to those of classical culture, the au-thors explore pop culture structure and its connection with mass production conditioning the consumer society standards. Among of the foci of attention are the role of cinema in the formation, development, and functioning of pop culture and cinema product as its apex. One of the problems under consideration is that of pop culture as the sphere of different cultures interrelationships causing the least number of conflicts and thus acting as an instrument of the (seeming) cul-tural convergence of the peoples. © Petrozavodsk State University |
Is received: 01 december 2019 year Is passed for the press: 03 december 2019 year |