VOLKOV YURI | Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Nizhny Novgorod National Research State University named after N. I. Lobachevsky, Arzamas branch, Faculty of Economics and Law, Department of Law, Philosophy and Social Disciplines, Arzamas, Russian Federation, yu.k.volkov@yandex.ru |
Ключевые слова: review-replica ideological opposition anti-metaphysical methodology human projects dialogue of science and religion the nature of meaning Russian idea | Аннотация: The final section of A. S. Zapesotsky's monograph «Formation of global culture and conflicts of civilizations (based on the materials of international Likhachev scientific readings)» in the genre of replica is reviewed. The main purpose of the presented recall is the analysis of opposite in its ideological orientation philosophical and ideological positions of the participants of the Readings in their comparison with the general concept and methodology of the monograph. At the same time, all the critically analyzed ideological attitudes of the authors of the reports are considered from the point of view of their compliance with the anti-metaphysical methodology of building the book which sets the task of finding common in the ideological oppositions. It is suggested that the book under review uses two variants of the dialectical method ‒ «Socratic» which aimed at finding the initially unknown essence of real contradictions and «Hegelian» which designed to synthesize the selected logical way the final result. It is shown that the second kind of dialectics is more relief presented in subsection 7.3. «Sense-forming dominants of the Russian civilization» where the some main ideological orientations of the globalisation national culture are considered. Among them is the opposition of two ideological projects of man: classical and neo-pagan, the idea of dialogue between science and religion, existential and cultural understanding of the nature of sense. It is noted that the worldview guidelines of the Russian idea presented in the book which can act as a building material for the state ideology and geopolitical strategies first of al, take into account its national specifics. In this regard the book indicates the general principles of national and at the same time global ethics of the future most prominently formulated in the creation of F. M. Dostoevsky. The general conclusion of the remark: in the combination of different worldview and stylistic positions, but with the mandatory preservation of the with the remaining ideological orientation of the overall design of the project it is one of the distinctive features of the reviewed section of the book which managed to convey a special creative world of Likhachev's scientific readings. © Petrozavodsk State University |
Is received: 01 december 2019 year Is passed for the press: 03 december 2019 year |