Borisov O. FORMAT EVOLUTION // Studia Humanitatis Borealis. 2020. Vol. 1. № 1. P. 35‒41.

DOI: 10.15393/

Issue № 1



Doctor of Philosophy,
Associate Professor,
Pushkin Leningrad State University, Faculty of Philosophy, Cultural Studies and Art,
St. Petersburg, Pushkin, Russian Federation,
Ключевые слова:
knowledge society
the phenomenon of fear
Аннотация: The article is an attempt to consider the historical development of social relations, leading through information technology to the transition from the classical format of coordination of an individual and a group to its technical counterpart in a postulated society based on knowledge. Schematically, the struc-ture of development appears in the isolation of an individual from the collective in connection with the formation in the course of better adaptation of a reflexive ability leading to an awareness of one's own mortality. The compensating mechanism at the next stage of adaptation of cognitive abilities that restore the internal balance of the body due to purely psychological mechanisms is the development of practices that allow hypostatic ideas about things in a special space responsible for their immutability and virtual constancy. In contrast to the physiological mechanisms of homeostasis of an individual in contact with the external environment, where its objects appear as unconditionally necessary sources of satisfying the need, reorientation in connection with the recognition of imminent death to the internal environment in order to search for such saving practices has generated a personal homeostasis in which the formed ability linked an individual not only with himself due to the virtual construction, but also at a new level of relations - with community, giving rise to indirect communication individuals related to social homeostasis. In the new conditions of the information society, technological formats are digital analogues of the classical coordination of an individual and a group. Due to technological development, further diversification of reality into virtual and real in a successive change in the configurations of the organism / individual / personality – herd / community / group relationships in its informational diversity removes the distinction between virtual constructs and real ones. Obtaining software, due to which classical formats based on hierophany (manifestation of the sacred) are replaced and reformatted without changing their functionality by electronic versions, informants in the conditions of atomization build a personality-group structure, where the identity of being and the concept of being are configured according to the required informat. In the future, self-determination of personality and self-organization of groups receive impersonal instability.

© Petrozavodsk State University

Is received: 06 april 2020 year
Is passed for the press: 06 april 2020 year

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