ASHILOVA MADINA | PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Kazakh University of International Relations and Worldwide Languages named after Abylai Khan, Department of Media Communication, Almaty, Kazakhstan, |
BEGALINOV ALIBEK | Candidate of Philosophy, Senior Lecturer, International University of Information Technology, Almaty, Kazakhstan, |
BEGALINOVA KALIMASH | Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies, Almaty, Kazakhstan, |
Ключевые слова: education philosophy of education pedagogy theory of education foundations of education applied philosophy civilizational process self-consciousness of person individualization socialization subject of education. | Аннотация: The article deals with the features of the relationship between pedagogy and philosophy of education in the historical and genetic aspect. Various facets of their interaction caused by ideological and methodological approaches to the educational process are shown. Attention is drawn to the fact that the feature that distinguishes the philosophy of education from pedagogy is a holistic vision of education, the study of its problems in the most generalized and conceptual form. Various scientific approaches to pedagogy and philosophy of education are revealed, among which the situation developed within the framework of Soviet science is of particular interest, when pedagogy was understood as a “testing ground” for the application and approbation of philosophical ideas. Summarizing all the approaches, the authors come to the conclusion that the analysis of the education from the perspective of philosophy requires the recourse to pedagogy as a science, which explores the problems of education at a deep level, and from the perspective of pedagogy – the recourse to the philosophy of education, acting as a universal, conceptual, methodological, and ideological scientific knowledge. © Petrozavodsk State University |
Is received: 02 december 2020 year Is passed for the press: 02 december 2020 year |