Urvantseva Natalya | Associate Professor of Department of Russian as a Foreign Language, Petrozavodsk State University, Institute of Philology, Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation, naturv@mail.ru |
Ключевые слова: Peter the Great bust monument Petrozavodsk places of memory memorialization memorial practices historical memory cultural memory | Аннотация: The article examines memorial sites associated with the name of Peter the Great in the city Petrozavodsk. The main aims of the article are to reconstruct the history of memorial structures, to determine their connection with the urban landscape, and to identify certain commemorative practices. This study claims to fill the gap associated with the study of memorial sites in the historiography of the city. The most frequent occasions for commemorating Peter I were various anniversaries (of the emperor, the factory, or the city of Petrozavodsk), as well as certain tragic events in the history of Russia and the processes associated with them. The author shows how the social structure changes influenced the attitude towards the monument to Peter the Great – from its creation to its destruction, oblivion, and restoration. The study deals with a set of sociocultural actions around the monument to Peter the Great (its protection and restoration) and a wide range of commemorative practices (ceremonial laying and opening, moving it around the city, some ritual actions with the monument). © Petrozavodsk State University |
Is received: 30 may 2021 year Is passed for the press: 15 june 2021 year |