VOLKOVA SVETLANA | Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Petrozavodsk State University, Institute of History, Political and Social Sciences, Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation, svetavolkov@yandex.ru |
Ключевые слова: philosophy of education theory of communicative action hermeneutics language-games meaning self-understanding educational process. | Аннотация: The author argues that understanding crisis phenomena in an education system, as well as conditions of upgrading this system, is connected with development of a philosophy of education focused on such categories as language and communication. The heuristic and productive nature of theory of communicative action and hermeneutics is shown while comprehending the specific nature of learning environment where a pedagogical interaction between a teacher and students is carried out. Taking into account the ideas of J. Habermas, H. G. Gadamer and L. Wittgenstein, it is shown that education is a process of human development if it is organised as a process of searching for and generating meanings by the students. This educational process model corresponding to essential human need for self-understanding and self-expression. © Petrozavodsk State University |
Is received: 26 december 2021 year Is passed for the press: 26 december 2021 year |