Konev Ivan | Candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Production Management and State and Municipal Managment, Petrozavodsk State University, Institute of Economics and Law, Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation, konev@petrsu.ru |
Maslennikov Denis | Student, Petrozavodsk State University, Institute of Economics and Law, Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation, iel@petrsu.ru |
Ключевые слова: human capital preservation sociological surveys role of national projects priority research methods human capital infrastructure | Аннотация: The article examines the results of the sociological surveys among the local population of the Kalevala National District aimed at assessing the current understanding of trends in the preservation and development of human capital. The need to update these concepts is directly related to the continuation of the state social policy in the field of education, healthcare, demography, social infrastructure, and high-performance jobs based on the mass digitalization of the Russian economy within the framework of national projects between 2019 and 2024. Some of the results are included in the context of the article as the examples of the author’s point of view. © Petrozavodsk State University |
Is received: 26 december 2021 year Is passed for the press: 26 december 2021 year |