VOLKOVA SVETLANA | PhD in Philosophy, Professor of the Department of philosophy and cultural studies, Petrozavodsk State University, Institute of History, Political and Social Sciences, Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation, svetavolkov@yandex.ru |
Ключевые слова: phenomenology education intentionality life-world being-in-the world meaning space | Аннотация: The paper concentrates on the exploration of the philosophy and methodology of pedagogy with the special focus on the philosophical study of the “intentionality”, “life-world” and “being-in-the world”. The aim of this study is to highlight these phenomenological concepts and reveal the possibilities of phenomenology in the study of educational space through implanting them into the educational discourse. The author explores the everyday educational reality, as well as the meanings that this reality receives in the minds of the teacher and the student. The article also describes the multiple ways of understanding the space into which teachers and students are immersed. The hermeneutic phenomenology method used in the research helps to demonstrate how heuristic and productive the “life-world” concept is when it is applied for analyzing educational reality. At the end of the research the author concludes that the specificity of human existence lies in its “life-world” or “being-in-the world”. Therefore, the teacher and the student can be separated from each other by their own space-time, while the very “spatiality” of pedagogical relationships is discrete. In this regard, pedagogical encounters are possible only if they are based on some meaningful structures that form the basis of the students’ life-world. © Petrozavodsk State University |
Is received: 01 july 2022 year Is passed for the press: 03 july 2022 year |