KOROSTELEVA LILIA | PhD in Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Cultural studies, Petrozavodsk State University, Institute of History, Political and Social Sciences, Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation, Lila31@yandex.ru |
Ключевые слова: myth liminarity nihilism ambivalence crisis of consciousness ontology. | Аннотация: The article specifies the concept of “crisis” within the interdisciplinary narrative. The phenomenon of crisis is examined from various perspectives, including its role as a transitional “gap” between the mythical and the tragic, as a sense of existential “nothingness,” and as both anxiety and a boundary in the philosophies of Jaspers and Foucault. Furthermore, the article identifies common elements of crisis, such as liminarity, nihilism, and ambivalence. © Petrozavodsk State University |
Is received: 25 december 2023 year Is passed for the press: 25 december 2023 year |